Thursday 9 September 2010

Woah... slow down!!

Groan, I haven't posted anything for ages because time is going waaaaay too quickly right now! It was back to school full-time on Monday and despite my fears and reservations, I can honestly say with my hand on my heart that I am LOVING my new role soooooo much!!!! I am like a pig in wotsit!!!

So, without a creation to post (well I have, but I'm being lazy!) I will shout about some fab blog candy that's up for grabs! Lothian Crafts

Lothian Crafts Online

have this fab candy to giveaway to some lucky bod who is a) a follower, b) displays their blinkie, and c) shouts about it on their blog. Now I never win any of these things (sob!) but I'm happy to give it a shout as it's a fab prize!

So get over there and keep your fingers crossed! Good luck!

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